How Startek, South Africa’s largest CX management BPO, was able to maintain customer service quality with the help of TransMon.

Startek is one of the world’s top CX management companies. Whether it’s a Fortune 500 enterprise or a dynamic startup, they provide the very best omnichannel CX, digital transformation, and enterprise tech services. In a single year, Startek’s performance and earnings substantially improved as a consequence of using TransMon.

Problem Statement
- Manual Auditing was time-consuming and expensive, especially as the volume of transactions increased. The data was unstructured and provided only a “snapshot” view of the data being audited, so detecting any misstatements or breaches of policy would have been difficult if not impossible.
- Manual audit resulted in low QA productivity – about 10 calls audited / day / QA.
- There was no real-time communication which led to delayed feedback and made it difficult to provide context. It adversely impacted the entire essence of the practice to the point of redundancy.
- Area of opportunity with standards for sampling. There was lack of transparency in the process of selecting a sample for audit. There is no way to know whether the audited sample is representative of the entire population, or if the rules of sampling have been followed. Only a handful of samples were audited.
There were different spreadsheets for different teams, which made it difficult to share information with each other. Manual data entry resulted in non-traction of its authenticity. Lack of standardized dashboards to monitor key performance indicators induced opaqueness in control and visibility for the management.

Why Transmon
- Complete workflow automation including (not confined to) the elements of Unbiased & stratified Sampling, digitized QA forms for auditors, coaching of agents & sharing feedback, real time access to feedback with unlimited storage capacity and rebuttal management.
- TransMon is also capable of automating other ancillary modules like audit the auditor (ATA), Process Knowledge Tests (PKTs) and CAP/PiP processes.
- 100% Voice Coaching makes it easier for the QA and the agents to record feedback and comments. Recording voice makes it easier for the agents to provide feedback to their team members and also receive feedback from their team members.
- Omnichannel aggregation of data: With a single click, Transmon aggregates data from various sources/touchpoints and creates a single dashboard for reports using its AI and BI technology. It integrates with majority of Quality Auditing Tools.
- Real-Time Feedback and Coaching: TranMons provides real-time feedback and coaching options for better communication and understanding. It helps to reduce miscommunication and misinterpretation by providing real-time feedback in your voice calls, video calls, and text messages. It also enables you to ask questions, seek advice, and get feedback from your team members.
- Create Call, Chat, and Email Libraries for Training and Coaching: Libraries are a great way to organize information in a centralized location. They are easy to find and search for, and they stay up-to-date. With TransMon you can create libraries with information on how to create common team communication assets such as emails, calls, and chats. You can also create libraries with information on common work tasks such as onboarding, performance reviews, or any other task your team may need help with.
- Eliminates QA intervention and bias in sample selection: Automated sampling allows a company to collect data from every customer, not just a small sample. This approach yields a much more representative sample and reduces the risk of bias in the data. In order to generate an accurate view of customer experience, a company must collect data from every customer. Not just a small sample of customers.
- Audit the Auditor: This feature helps in rebuttal management and makes the process seamless and effective.

The results
- After TransMon’s deployment, significant improvement was observed in the company’s internal KPIs.
- Productivity increased by 80% to 18 calls per QA per day from 10 calls per QA per day. With this improvement, the QA team was able to focus more on quality assurance of the product, customer satisfaction, and training new team members.
- QA’s average call time (AHT) reduced drastically from 7 minutes to 1.5 minutes, thus resulting in improved productivity and even better results.
- A significant overall increase in revenue by 364%.
- For 80% of the processes, the quality score is above 90% & for the remaining 20%, it is above 20%.
- By recording voice feedback and accessing it remotely, users can share feedback with agents.
- A single-view dashboard now enables the planning and execution of growth strategies across multiple processes. The dashboard is compatible with multiple devices across multiple OS for access on the go.
- An unbiased sample and allocation provided accurate reporting.